Whilst waiting for them
 He's not bluffing - it's his duty
 Denis and Jože took care that
all of the guests had their place at the table...
...while the guests were gathering...
Mr. Taras Poljanec and Mrs. ZoraTomič...
 Janez Kocijančič and Miro Cerar
 and all together
 Press conference can begin
 ...they're all there
 First words of welcome came from Mr. Jože

Since there wasn't enough room for all
our team at the table, medallists only were given the spot

 Ernest still couldn't believe there
were so many of us there
 Branko, whilst telling the best paart
of his short speech: "...we were breathing like we were a
 Medals line up! Only Franjo couldn't
get into picture.
 Helena was very thirsty.
 All the "chiefs"
 but none of them acting as a real
| Our
Paralympic heroes arrived to Brnik by the schedule and though there was a
long journey behind, none of them seemed to be too tired to share their
joy with friends and relatives
marathoner Marko Sever's fans were
there as well and they were the loudest group of all - although they had
to come from Ajdovščina (some 100 km).
of our national Olympic Committee
(mag. Janez Kocjančič, Tjaša Andree-Prosenc and Miro Cerar) and a
member of our Ministry of education and sports (dr. Alex Leo Vest) also
came to greet our team, as well as many representatives of our national
organizations for the disabled.
 While the guests were discussing more
or les important matters...
...Marko's fans were loud
as they could be
  taking care of the appropriate atmosphere
for the occasion
When Marko finally came
 the went crazy!
but neither did Marko
wait too much
 and he quickly answered with his new
 I bet he'll remember this moments

 A bit surprised when she realized she's
been "caught"
 Brane couldn't move on, until the "road" was empty
 Andreja glad
to be on a firm ground after a long journey
 Words of welcome and congratulation
coming out of a crowd.
Ladies first, of course...
 ...and that's why Janez had to wait a bit for his turn

 Zlatko - still "alive" ...

... and then
his head went down
 while Viki woke up!