mozirje_naacrt_01_380.gif (24646 bytes)MOZIRSKI GAJ - FLOWER PARK Throughout Slovenia there are numerous green valleys. One of the most beautiful is undoubtedly that of the Upper Savinja with its friendly centre Mozirje. This is a small place surrounded by flower gardens. In 1978 it hardworking and enthusiastic inhabitants-with the assistance of the gardened from whole Slovenia - turned the land which had previously been a deserted municipal plot of land and dumping ground into a 7-hectare-park of flowers and greenery. As early as In April, the grove coved itself into the colourful veil of beautiful sprang blossoms, which delight our eyes as late as May. In June, itmozirje_01_380.jpg (46536 bytes) clads itself with summer blossoms and greenery which grow exuberantly until mid-autumn, and breet and enchant many loved of natural beauty. The visitor to the grove are also shown the way of life in the country a hundred and moo years ago and the implements people used in their everyday life. A farmhouse, corn loft, a hut as a reserved property, mill, blacksmiths shop and a bughouse remind up of difficult though not so hectic life in the past. The Park of Mozirje is open from middle of April to middle of September.

He who only once rejoices in this beauty, he will come back to rejoice in it again and again.

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