Yes, you're listening to "No Woman, no cry!" - and of course, the voice belongs to another immortal Jamaican: Bob Marley! Sorry folks, I wrote this for the very few of you who didn't know them!

She had returned again - to where she belongs

First (Upper) Photo: Before or after training practice she smiles - Second Photo: Before her Press Conference on July 5. 2000 she was (and with a good reason!) a proud, shiny winner against IAAF Administration

Merlene on May 10. 2002 when she became "Slovenian"

Relaxing after her practice - julij 2002

On "her"stadium in Ljubljana as a spectator - May 2001

At her Press Conference on July 5. 2000 in Grand Hotel Union Ljubljana

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The real winner of tonight's (August 11, 2000) female 100 m race at the exceptional Weltklasse GP Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland is Merlene Ottey.

She made her come back in great style and returned to where she belongs - among elite sprinters.

If there were medals delivered tonight, Merlene would have again been there, shoulder to shoulder with Marion Jones and Inger Miller.

Only a fortnight ago there were very few who believed in such a comeback of "The Queen"

Edvard Bogataj  - Ljubljana, 11.07.2003

Ambassador of Athletics - the Greatest sprinter of all times.

The Athlete that turned Sprint into Marathon

At her Press Conference, after having received Slovenian Passport

Takole se je razgovorila 10. maja 2002, ko je za svoj 42. rojstni dan končno prejela slovenski potni list

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At the stadium - evening after her training - June 2001

Po mitingu v Ljubljnai junija 2001, ki se ga še ni smela udeležiti -zatro pa je opravila trening in se zvečer pridružila bodočim kolegom

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Kot gledalka na državnem prvenstvu Slovenije leta 2001

Državno prvenstvo 2001 je bilo še brez nje - zato pa si ga je z zanimanjem ogledala

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At the Press Conference in Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana - July 5.2000

Na tiskovni konferenci 5. julija 2000 je Merlene Ottey dobesedno žarela od ponosa in zadovoljstva - povsem upravičeno, kajti ta večer je objavila svojo veličastno in nadvse pomembno zmago nad togo birokracijo IAAF

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Her practice for Sydney - June 2000

Knjiga gostov- sporočila za Merlene

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