Vrnila se je tja, kamor sodi - med svetovno elito šprinterk in če bi danes podeljevali medalje, bi znova stala na stopničkah. Znova bi stala z ramo ob rami z Marion Jones in Inger Miller. Pred 14 dnevi ji tega nihče ni verjel, niti njeni rojaki na Jamajki. Ljubljana, 11.08.2000 |
Ker je posebna Artbitražna komisija IAAF, zadolžena za preučevanje primerov jemanja dopinga, izjemno dolgo zavlačevala z zaslišanjem Merlene Ottey in njenih zagovorinikov, je bil zaradi tega ogrožen tudi njen nastop na Olimpijskih igrah v Sydneyu leta 2000. Oprostitev vseh obtožb je prišla izjemno pozno, šele slaba dva meseca pred Olimpijskimi igrami - 3. julija 2000. |
je verjela vase, zaupala zagovornikom in trenerju Srdjanu Djordjeviću, je
ves ta čas prizadevno trenirala in |
Vse, kar je Merlene doživljala v letu 2000, bi lahko celo pomenlo "nasilen" konec njene bogate športne kariere, a si je k sreči premislila in vztrajala. Takšna pač je, večna borka! Morda pa je ravo takrat tudi dozorela njena odločitev, da bo še nadaljevala in mogoče poskusila še na Olimpijskih igrah v Atenah. In nenazadnje je morda prav to tudi vplivalo na njeno odločitev, da dokončno postane državljanka Slovenije. Če je tako, smo upravičeno ponosni, kajti v svoji sredini imamo največjo atletinjo vseh časov - ko bi se tega zavedali še tisti, ki so za to pokicani in plačani, bi bilo pa sploh SUPER! Dobro jutro, gospod Jakič in ostali v vodstvu AZS!!! |
KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 22, (as reported by Reuters) Merlene Ottey missed out on an automatic spot to run the 100 meters at the Sydney Olympics when she could only finish fourth in the Jamaica trials final on Friday night. But she gets a second chance of making the Olympic squad on Saturday when she contests the 200 meters and she could also still make it as part of the relay team. Ottey, 40, needing a top-three finish to guarantee selection for the 100 meters at the Games, ran 11.27 seconds in the final with Peta-Gaye Dowdie retaining her title in 11.19.
Dowdie, the U.S. Collegiate 200-metre champion, survived a tight finish, to beat 1999 world championship 200-metre silver medallist Bev McDonald (11.20) and Tanya Lawrence (11.21). Ottey, winner of seven Olympic medals and 14 world championship medals including two gold, has been at every summer Games since Moscow in 1980. She said on Friday her enforced absence from athletics as a result of the drug-taking allegation had been like a ``death sentence'' but she remained confident she would get in shape in time for the Games. Ottey said: "In about six weeks I can get to running under 11 seconds ... I've done it in the past. I have the experience and I have the confidence.'' Ottey was banned after testing positive for the controversial anabolic steroid nandrolone but the ban was lifted on July 3 by an International Amateur Athletic Federation panel. |
Merlene Ottey v polfinalu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kingston, Jamaica - July 20
Ottey, who has kept a low profile since arriving in Jamaica five days ago, had a slow start but made up ground on runner-up Tanya Lawrence then eased up at the line for the win.
"It feels great to run here at home in Jamaica where I have been running since the 1970's. I am still a bit rusty and uncomfortable to run with others but very happy with the improvement over last weeks 11.42 sec in Italy. I came here to qualify for the Olympic team so it is too early to celebrate. I am looking forward to two more good and very competitive races tomorrow evening." The semifinal and final are scheduled for tomorrow July 21 at 5 pm and 7 pm respectively. Merlene needs to finish in the top three of Friday's 100 m final to qualify for the event at the Sydney Olympics. |