our LIVE CHAT with Merlene at:
Ottey in
Ljubljana |
ki je šprint spremenila v maraton |
Merlene je 10. maja letos praznovala svoj 40. rojstni dan |
Athlete that turned sprint into marathon |
Ottey turned 40 on May 2000 |
Te dni se
Merlene Ottey ponovno
pripravlja v Ljubljani in na to smo lahko še posebej ponosni. Njen
trening je seveda usmerjen k nastopu na olimpijskih igrah v Sydneyu, njene
misli pa so te dni predvsem v Monacu, kjer bo posebna arbitražna komisija
med 15. in 17. junijem odločala o njeni pritožbi zoper neupravičene
obtožbe o jemanju nedovoljenih poživil...Lani je bila namreč na
antidopinških testih pozitivna in zaradi obtožb, da je jemala nandrolone,
ni smela nastopiti na svetovnem prvenstvu v Sevilli.
Obiskali smo njo in
Srdjana Djordjevića na enem od treningov na ljubljanskem stadionu in
pred vami sta fotoreportaži s treninga v soboto, 3. junija in
v četrtek, 29. junija 2000
Kliknite na sličice za povečavo!
Tekst in
fotografije: urednik
Merlene Ottey's
been living in Ljubljana, Slovenia for the last month or so while getting ready
to compete at The Olympics though she's not sure whether she'll be given
the chance to show her abbility to win Olympic medal at 40. Her thougths
are in Monte Carlo, Monaco these days where from June 15 - 17 the IAAF
officials will hear her say about unjustified allegations of drug abuse (nandrolone)
placed against her before last World Championship in Sevilla, Spain.
We've been to one of Merlene's evening
training sessions at ŽAK-MASS stadium in Ljubljana and all the
photos at the left show her and her coach Srdjan
Djordjevic while working hard on
a hot & sunny Saturday evening on the 3.rd and the of June 2000
Click on thumbnails to enlarge.
Text & photos: The
You can get informed about
the place & the country where Merlene has spent most of her time
during last 18 months if you fill-out the form or mail us your questions.
However, there is another possibility: visit our editors' personal pages (see
link at the bottom of our index
page) and find out more
about the place Merlene chose to live in for a while.
This is the part of Ljubljana where
Merlene lives - but I'm not going to tell which windows belong to
her apartment. |
in Ljubljana where Merlene works hard from day to day hoping her dream
will come true... |
photographed in Ljubljana on June 03. 2000 |
nice, she's charming, she's beautifull and proud and she's very fast |