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XII. Paraolimpijske igre - Atene 2004 Zimske Paraolimpijske igre - Torino 2006 XIII. Paraolimijske igre - Peking 2008 Paraolimpijska reprezentanca - Atene 2004 Foto Galerija - Atene 2004


Olimpijski izgled Aten


Athens ReflectionsLandscapes below AthensAthens ScriptsAthens ColoursAthens FacesAthens WindowsListen to Athens

Ujemite luč - 7 poti skozi Atene

Posamezni odseki ulic, ki vodjo skozi zgodovinsko, antično središče Aten - v skupni dolžini 13,5 km cest, trgov in sprehajalnih poti - bo v času iger "preoblečeno" v "svetlobne in slikovne efekte". Te učinke bo pripravilo podjetje City Imaging pod skupnim naslovom programa "Ujemite luč!"

Program bo dopolnjeval olimpijski izgled Aten in hkrati poudaril atmosfero slavnosti med Olimpijskimi in Paraolimpijskimi igrami 2004.

Vseh sedem poti se bo približalo vsem glavnim atenskim znamenitostim in prečkalo najbolj vznemirljive in zanimive soseske v središču grškega glavnega mesta, med seboj pa bo obenem povezalo 15 območij s kulturnimi prireditvami, ki jih pripravljajo četrtne skupnosti Aten, njihovi pokrovitelji in druge organizacije. Obiskovalci bodo tako lahko med sprehodom spoznavali eno najznamenitejših in najbolj privlačnih mest na svetu.

Vsaka od poti bo poimenovana na prepoznaven način, z imeni, ki označujejo najbolj značilne karakteristike okolja, skozi katerega vodijo:
Athens Reflections
Landscapes below Athens
Athens Scripts
Athens Colours
Athens Faces
Athens Windows
Listen to Athens

Seven Olympic Landmarks (9 metre-tall towers visible throughout the city) will be placed at the routes’ starting points, offering directions to the public. 20 large inflatable spheres, hovering above the routes, will complete the spectacular setting.

The aim of the Catch the Light Programme is to capture the attention of the visitor, inhabitant and broadcast public in original ways, using exciting and spectacular images and public participation. The routes will feature and produce an image of Athens as never seen before.

Route 1: Athens Reflections


Athens ReflectionsLandscapes Below AthensAthens ScriptsAthens ColoursAthens FacesAthens WindowsListen to Athens

While wandering through the nightlife of Psyrri and the narrow streets of the old market at the centre of Athens the public discovers several outdoor screening areas of short films, projected on blind walls of buildings: an open-air festival of moving images whose screen and subject are the city itself. From a distance, the white blocks of buildings appear covered in constantly changing, vivid, powerful images.

Itinerary: From Omonoia to Asomaton Sq., this route crosses Kotzia, Theatrou and Koumoundourou Squares. It passes by the City Hall and the Central Market of Athens, a number of theatres and the Municipal Gallery. The many restaurants and clubs in the area and a variety of multi-ethnic stores make it a very exciting night-life spot, and keep it running 24 hours a day.

Route 2: Landscapes Below Athens


Athens ReflectionsLandscapes Below AthensAthens ScriptsAthens ColoursAthens FacesAthens WindowsListen to Athens

The trenches of the archaeological sites and the open subway lines running through them are thematically connected through a series of interactive light installations around their excavation limits. The route is illustrated on old structures, small and large squares and pedestrian paths with images of excavations and underground landscapes, inviting the passer-by to explore another city.

Itinerary: The Technopolis Cultural Centre, built in the old Gas Factory, the ancient cemetery at Kerameikos, Adrianou Street and the Agora, Hadrian’s Library, the Museum of Folk Art, the excavations at the Monastiraki Metro Station, the church of Kapnikarea, the Greek Parliament Building and the Unknown Soldier Monument, the National Historical Museum, the City of Athens Museum and the fragments of the Ancient Wall of Athens are some of the cultural highlights of this route. The outdoor pedestrian shopping mall of Ermou Street is its commercial highlight. Alongside the above, the route crosses St. Asomaton, Monastiraki, Syntagma and Klafthmonos Squares.

Route 3: Athens Scripts


Athens ReflectionsLandscapes Below AthensAthens ScriptsAthens ColoursAthens FacesAthens WindowsListen to Athens

Between two of the most important academic institutions of Athens and the open spaces around them – through small streets and neighbourhoods, pedestrian paths and squares full of cafes and restaurants – this route hosts a written narrative on road surfaces and buildings. Short texts, sentences and words of different scale appear along this route; they guide the viewer through stories that unfold along the way.

Itinerary: At one end the Technical University of Athens, and at the other the University of Athens, the National Library and the Academy, characterize this route of ‘letters.’ The route passes by the National Archaeological Museum, Exarheia Square, the Church of Saint Nicolas, the French Archaeological Institute, the Law School, the Municipal Cultural Centre, the Theatre Museum and the Book Arcade, through a web of pedestrian paths and small streets

Route 4: Athens Colours


Athens ReflectionsLandscapes Below AthensAthens ScriptsAthens ColoursAthens FacesAthens WindowsListen to Athens

From the neighbourhoods of Victoria Square to Monastiraki, through major intersections and large avenues, a series of colour interventions on the grey background of the street is applied on sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, building façades and open spaces. A new outfit of urban images informs and brightens human movement through the city.

Itinerary: Moving along the large thoroughfares of Athens, this route follows Patission Avenue and Athinas Street.  It passes by the Pedion Areos, the National Archaeological Museum, the Technical University of Athens, the neoclassical buildings of Aiolou Street, as well as Kotzia Square and the Central Market of Athens.

City operations during 2004 Olympic Games

Athens, 11 November 2003

From the Press Conference today at ATHENS 2004 headquarters about DESOP (Olympic Preparation) decisions on City Operations at Games-time.  © ATHOC / PHOTO: G. PRINOSATHENS 2004 President, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, and Culture Minister, Evangelos Venizelos, gave a Press Conference today on city operations at Games-time. The issue had been discussed earlier by the Inteministerial Committee for the Coordination of Olympic preparation (DESOP), chaired by Prime Minister Costas Simitis.

As was highlighted during the Press Conference, the hosting of exceptional Games in 2004 depends not only on the timely completion of ongoing construction works but also on preparing the city efficiently to receive hundreds of thousands of visitors, thus projecting a favourable image of Athens as a humane city. Athens must be seen to be a city of participation and celebration - high class cultural events at Nerou Square (at the end of the Esplanade) in Faliro; events run by the Municipality of Athens; seven 13.5 km routes passing through the historical centre of Athens and revealing the city’s unique historic landmarks and beauty as the best possible counterpoint to the festive Games-time decoration. The city’s new Look will be enhanced by decorations such as colourful flags and banners on buildings, and interactive images. City operations will also need to be organized in such a way that daily life in the city continues unimpeded even as hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city are cared for.

After long consultation and cooperation with all the bodies involved (central and local public authorities, the private sector, and employees), the measures that will apply from 02/08/04 to 04/09/04 have now taken on their final form. Most of these will be the result of cooperation and understanding, but a few (assuming approval has been given by the bodies involved) will require legislative actions and ministerial or administrative decisions, issues that will be addressed immediately. The measures, decided upon after long dialogue since last June with interested public bodies, are as follows:ATHENS 2004 President Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki and Minister of Culture Evangelos Venizelos, at the Press Conference on City Operations at Games-time. © ATHOC / PHOTO: G. PRINOS

  • General Measures (supply chain, waste collection, traffic arrangements and street market regulations) will apply to specific areas and main roads in Attica to serve the needs of the Olympic Games. Priority will be given to the Primary Olympic Road Network (ORN), the inner ring in central Athens, Piraeus Port and the coastal area from Piraeus to Glyfada, Controlled Entry and Circulation Zones, Controlled Parking Zones, and the areas around the Competition and Non-Competition venues.

  • For all shops in the above areas operation hours will be continuous from 9:00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday and 9:00 to 18:00 on Saturday. On Sunday the shops will not open.

  • Night supply (00:00–07:00) will apply to areas close to the Olympic venues, with a few exceptions to provide for deliveries requiring immediate transport (such as blood or biopsy material). Some other exceptions will be made to accommodate special sectors.

  • Waste collection will take place at night only (22:00-07:00) close to Olympic venues, with some exceptions for certain districts. A Coordinating Body for Waste Management will be set up consisting of the responsible ministries, City of Athens, ATHENS 2004, Association of Attica City Councils (AOACC), the Panhellenic Federation of Workers’ Associations of Local Administrations, and the Association of Communities and Municipalities in the Attica Region (ACMAR), to ensure the best planning and monitoring for the clearing of litter in Athens.

  • For the swift, safe transport of the Olympic Family, visitors and Olympic Venue staff and also to ease transportation of citizens and visitors, there will be a Transportation Management Policy in force, in cooperation with the Public Works and Transportation Ministries. The policy will be as follows:
    a) The Primary and Secondary (or ‘alternative’) Olympic Road Network (ORN) will be used for the organised transport of the Olympic Family.
    b) Olympic Traffic Lanes will be defined on part of the ORN for accredited private vehicles and buses for the transfer of visitors and Olympic workforce. They will also be used by emergency vehicles.
    c) Public Transport will operate around the clock, and visitors will travel free to and from the Competition Venues with their Games ticket on the day for which it is valid.
    d) Throughout the ORN stringent no-parking measures will apply.

  • Street Markets will be relocated to a secondary road network wherever necessary for City Operations.

At the same time, a list of other matters affecting smooth city operations is being examined in the context of exhaustive ongoing systematic dialogue with all interested parties.

Besides, ATHENS 2004 is discussing together with the government:

  • Operating a unified certification system to ensure effective hygiene control at hotels and restaurants.

  • Coordinating a price control system to check potential profiteering in the market during August 2004.

  • Providing medical services in the city at Games-time in partnership with the Greek National Emergency Aid Centre (EKAV) and the capital’s hospitals.

  • Special planning of a Civil Protection System integrated with the apparatus of state mobilisation at Games-time, in the event of extraordinary weather or natural disaster.

Similar arrangements will obviously also be required for the Paralympic Games. These will however be on a much smaller scale, because the event involves fewer Competition Venues and thus a smaller section of the city. The OCOG is already reviewing a plan in this sense, in partnership with the government.

City Operation Planning is in progress for the four Olympic Cities, and will involve the cooperation of the City Managers (OCOG’s representatives at individual Olympic Cities) with local authorities. The measures to be adopted will reflect the fact that only a single sport – football – will take place at the Olympic Cities.

From the agreements so far in the context of the ongoing dialogue, it is clear that there is still ground to be covered to the full implementation of the arrangements. It will require a powerful City Operations Management System in which the State, ATHENS 2004 OCOG, local authorities, and the private sector all play their part. A comprehensive communication policy to prepare the public for the entirely different daily routine for Athens in August 2004 will certainly be required too.

The bodies listed below are among the stakeholders in the dialogue, which began last June, on the initiative of ATHENS 2004, and ended with today’s announcement of the Games-time measures which have been decided or yet to be decided:

  • TEDKNA, Athens Municipality, Independent Prefectural Authority for Athens & Piraeus

  • Federation of Greek Industries (SEV), Hellenic Bank Association (EET), Greek Association of Supermarket Companies (SESME), Hellenic Retail Business Association (SELPE), Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVEA), Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVEP), National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce (ESEE), Athens Traders’ Association (ESA), Piraeus Traders’ Association (ESP)

  • Greek General Labour Confederation (GSEE), Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), Athens Labour Centre (EKA), Piraeus Labour Centre (EKP), Confederation of Trade Unions of Greek Public Sector Employees (ADEDY), Greek Federation of Bank Employees Unions (OTOE), Panhellenic Federation of Workers' Associations of Local Administrations (POE-OTA), Hellenic Confederation of Hellenic Professional Craftsmen and Merchants (GSEBEE), Greek Federation of Private Employees (OIYE)

  • Hellenic Petroleum, Motor Oil, Confederation of Fuel Trading Companies, Union of Greek Petroleum Products Trading Companies, Hellenic Union of Natural Gas Companies, Ministry of the Economy Customs Directorate, Hellenic Confederation of Petrol Retailers, Confederation of Liquid Fuel Tankers

  • Confederation of Greek Ready-Mixed Concrete Industries

  • Public Market Fund, Confederation of Public Market Producers, Confederation of Professional Public Marketeers

  • Association of International Freight Forwarders and Logistics Enterprises of Greece, Confederation of Trucks of Greece (International Transport), Panhellenic Confederation of Company-Owned-Truck Drivers, Land Merchandise Transport Trade Union, Hellenic Confederation of Longshoremen, Panhellenic Confederation of Small Van Professionals

  • Metro SA, Carrefour-Marinopoulos, Delta, Fage, Kri-Kri, Pepsico, MAVE Logistics, Unilever Hellas, Veropouloi Bros, Atlantic SA, I & S Sklavenitis, A-B Vasilopoulos, 3E, Nestlé, Algida, Elais, the Varvakeios Market

  • Panhellenic Confederation of Tourism Enterprises, General Panhellenic Confederation of Tourist Buses, Hellenic Association of Tourist and Travel Offices, the Argos and Europi Press Distribution Agencies.

A lesson from the experience of other countries which hold the Olympic Games is that mutual understanding and the ability to conform to rules announced beforehand is a major key to success. This is all the more since at Games-time the pattern of the city’s daily life will alter. Care must be taken that Athens is attractive and humane to visitors as well as to its inhabitants.

Route 7: Listen to Athens


Athens ReflectionsLandscapes Below AthensAthens ScriptsAthens ColoursAthens FacesAthens WindowsListen to Athens

From the square outside the Museum of Modern Art to the long walk alongside the Acropolis and Philopappou Hill, this route features a series of interactive images and structures that record, transform and re-broadcast sounds of the city back to itself. Sounds of traffic and the crowd become constantly changing images or give an appropriately understated, living soundtrack to the most historic areas of Athens.

Itinerary: The route around the Acropolis and the Agora, the cafes, clubs and restaurants of Thisseion are on one side of this route; Philopappou Hill and the monument of the Nymphs, the Theatres of Herodes Atticus and Dionysus and entries to Plaka are in its middle; the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Museum of Modern Art, the park of the Olympians, the bars, cafes and Neoclassical mansions of Koukaki are on its other side. These three parts are connected by the largest pedestrian walkway in Athens, a scene of performances, cultural events and outdoor entertainment.

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 FORUM - klepet s športniki


Copyright (c) 2000 - 2004: Edvard Bogataj

Posodobljeno: 11-05-05.