It couldn't be more brief, believe me! Since I'm fully aware that after having read this page out, you will want to know more and more about one of the greatest female athlete of all times and most certainly the best female sprinter ever, I am going to do my best to make this tribute pages as rich as possible, filled with any kind of information that might be of your interest. Besides the facts written below there is a short article on Merlene's beginnings here fo a start and under "Achievements". And take my advice: follow all the hyperlinks. |
I can see you wonder how many medals has Merlene won in her over 20 years lasting career that hadn't even ended? Again - very briefly: 46 of them is in her collection - she participated on any Olympic Games since 1980 (Moscow) and she is probably going to end her Olympic career at the next year's Olympics in Athens 2004 - and if she does she will represent her new homeland: Slovenia, since she became a Citizen of Slovenia in May 2002 and has already represented our country at some major Championships - like World Indoor Championship in Birmingham 2003 for instance! |
Did you think these are all her medals? Wrong! Merlene, namely won many medals at some other Competitions of the highest rank like: Caribbean Championships, Central American & Caribbean Championships, Commonwealth games, Pan-American Games, ... - her collection of medals thus counts (together with Junior Championships) a total of 46 medals - 35 of them she took as a senior athlete, other 11 as a junior! You can check this list here. |
Merlene was the first woman ever to run 60 m faster than in 7 seconds and was the first woman ever to run 200 m indoors faster than 22 seconds and this result 21.87 still makes her an actual World record holder - for well over 20 years!!! She is also the only female athlete to have run 67 races at 100 m distance faster than 11 seconds and in 15-times at 200 m faster than 22 seconds. She still holds the record of being the female athlete to have run the fastest double race in one single day (at both 100 and 200 m distances - the results: 10.90 and 21.77) - she did it at GP Meeting in Monaco on August 07.1993. |