court is a 18 x 9 m rectangle. Starting from the
final lines, where the goalposts are placed, a 9
x 3 m team area and a 9 x 3 m landing area for
each team is marked. The remaining 9 x 6 m area,
between the two landing areas, is called neutral
area, which is divided in two parts by the
Centre Line. With the exception of the final
lines, all markings are tactile to enable the
players’ orientation. This includes the
players’ position and orientation lines in
each team area. Goalposts have a height and
length of 1.3 m and 9 m respectively.


is played by both men and women teams. Each team
consists of three players and three substitutes.
Teams are entitled three 45 sec time outs and a
maximum of three substitutions during regular
time of a game. During overtime each team is
entitled to one extra time out and substitution.
must be classified in the Β1, Β2 or
Β3 classes. These are competition classes
and are based on the level of visual acuity and
visual field of the athletes. B1 class athletes
have total absence of perception of the light in
both eyes, or some perception of the light but
with inability to recognise the form of a hand
at any distance and in any direction. B2 class
athletes have the ability to recognise the form
of a hand to a visual acuity of 2/60. B3 class
athletes have the ability to recognise the form
of a hand to a visual acuity of 2 - 6/60.
To ensure equal terms during the contest, all
players are obliged to use eyeshades to ban all
access of light
aim for each team is to roll the ball by hand to
the opposite side and score a goal while the
players of the opponent team try to block the
ball with any part of their body. Winner is the
team to score more goals.
game consists of two halves of ten minutes each
with 3 minute break in between. In case of a
tie, after the end of the regular time, two
additional halves of 3 minutes each are played.
If the tie still exists after the end of the
overtime, free throws are executed, the number
of which is equal to the minimum number of the
registered players.
the game, the noise bells of the ball help the
players to orient themselves inside the court.
For this reason, spectators must keep absolute
silence and clap only when goals are scored or
after the end of each half.
ball is turned over to the defending team in the
following cases:

the ball goes out of bounds over the
sideline, in the process of passing the
ball between team members. This rule
also applies when the ball hits an
object above the court (Pass out)

the throwing player doesn’t have any
part of his body touching the court at
the time of release of the ball (Step

a player throws the ball before the
referee has given the “play-command”
(Premature throw)

the ball is blocked by a defensive
player and rebounds over the centre line
in the neutral area. This rule also
applies if the ball hits a goal post or
cross bar and rolls back over the centre
line (Ball over).
are two types of penalties: personal and team
penalties. In both cases, only one player
remains on the court to defend the penalty
throw. In the case of a personal penalty, the
player who committed the penalty remains on the
court. In the case of a team penalty, the player
who made the last recorded throw before the
penalty was awarded is the one to remain on the
je kaznovan v naslednih primerih:

the ball does not touch the team area or
the landing area, after it has left the
hand of the throwing player in the act
of making the throw (High ball)

the ball does not touch at least once
the neutral area (Long ball)

the same player throws the ball more
than two consecutive times (Third time

the ball comes to rest before the team
area of the defending team after being
released by a player (Short Ball)

a player touches his eyeshades during
the game or time out

a player makes the first defensive
contact and no part of his or her body
is touching the team area

a player delays the game

a player is behaving in an
unsportsmanlike manner on the court.

an attacking player makes any excessive
noise, in the act of throwing,
preventing the defensive team from
tracking the direction of the ball
je kaznovana v naslednjih primerih:

a player or team does not throw the ball
within ten (10) seconds after the
defensive team’s first contact with
the ball.

any member of a team delays the game.

any member of a team is behaving in an
unsportsmanlike manner on the court.

the attacking team makes any excessive
noise, in the act of throwing or when
the ball has been released, preventing
the defensive team from tracking the
direction of the ball