Tennis games are conducted according to the rules and
regulations of the International Table Tennis Federation
(ITTF) and the Table Tennis Committee of the
International Paralympic Committee.
are classified into 10 classes, depending on the skills
required for the sport and the locomotor disabilities
they face. Classification takes place after examining
the range of movement of each athlete, his or her muscle
strength, locomotor restrictions, balance in the
wheelchair and the ability to handle the racket.
classes 1 to 5, athletes with tetraplegia or paraplegia
compete in a wheelchair. Athletes who choose to compete
in a wheelchair can also be classified in classes 1 to
5. Athletes with the biggest difficulties in body
movement and the upper limbs (usually athletes with
tetraplegia) are classified into class 1. As one rises
in class, eg. to 4 and 5, one finds athletes who,
although using a wheelchair, present greater mobility
abilities. In cases where the athletes cannot hold the
racket, they are allowed to tie it to their hands.
classes 6 to 10, athletes compete in standing position.
Athletes with a combination of disabilities such as
locomotor disorders in the hand with which the athlete
plays, as well as in the lower limbs which limit one's
balance are classified into class 6. Higher up the list
of classes, the athletes present greater mobility
potential. For example, in class 10 are athletes with an
amputation of the free hand (the hand which does not
hold the racket).
every class of men and women players there are single
and double matches. In the doubles it is possible to
unite the classes. The combinations of classes for women
are the following: class 1 and 2, class 4 and 5 and
classes 6 to 10. For men it is possible to combine
classes 1 and 2.
objective of the game is for the player to cross the
ball into the opponent's area, without him or her being
able to successfully return it. The game begins with a
service and there is a change in service every two
points. A player or a team wins a point when the

not make a valid service,

to return the ball correctly,

the ball twice with the racket,

the ball,

the ball and it passes over the competition
table and the end line without touching the
table at all,

the ball but it touches the net,

the table,

the table with his or her free hand,

the opponent does not observe the specified
order of the game (this applies in the case of
game consists of 5, 7 or 9 sets depending on the event,
and the winner is the athlete who will win 3, 4 or 5
sets respectively. The player or team which first wins
11 points wins the set. In the case of a tie (10-10),
the winner is the athlete or pair which will first score
a 2-point difference. Opponents change sides at the
beginning of every set.
to the regulations have only been made for those classes
competing with a wheelchair.
the most important changes are the following:

competition area for athletes competing standing
up is 14 metres long and 7
metres wide. The dimensions of the competition
area are smaller for athletes competing with a
wheelchair. Specifically, it is 8 metres long
and 7 metres wide.

table has the same dimensions. The table legs,
however, must be at least 40 centimetres in from
the end lines, so that the players are not

the intermission the players must leave the
racket on the table, unless it is tied to their

player is not allowed to touch the ground with
his or her legs or with the wheelchair footrest.

the service during the single events, a repeat
(let) is granted when the ball
a) goes out of play outside the side lines of
the opponent's competition surface after one or
two bounces
b) bounces on the opponent's competition side
and returns to the net,
c) stops on the opponent's side. In the case
where the opponent hits the ball back before it
goes beyond the side lines or before it bounces
two times on his side of the competition area,
the service is considered valid.

the service during the double events, a repeat
(let) is given when the ball bounces in the
opponent's competition area and then returns to
the net, stopping on the side of the opponent.
In the case that the opponent returns or hits
the ball before it bounces twice on his side of
the competition area, the service is considered

the ball is in play the player can touch the
surface of the table with his or her free hand,
but without moving it, in the case that he or
she is trying to restore his or her balance
after hitting the ball. He or she is not
allowed, though, to support himself or herself
on the competition surface and hit the ball.

referee must be informed before the game as to
the limitations of the players in classes 1 and
2 so he or she may judge the validity of a

doubles the restriction does not apply
concerning the alternating return of the ball by
the members of the doubles team.